" 'You Deserve to Love Your Job' is an amazing resource for those who have questioned am I doing all that I could with my life, is there more? An easy-to-read book for people at any stage of their career, you will walk away with the tools needed to gain clarity and ask yourself the hard questions, am I ready for something different?"
Roslyn L. Gervin, Human Resources Professional
"Arlene lays out how to find your purpose and take action to get there in You Deserve to Love Your Job. The balance of research, personal experience and humor in this book alone is enough to pick it up. What's most important though, is the journey that you'll go on to get to clarity on what you should be doing to love what you do. Arlene provides not only the tools to get you there, but also the clarity for motivation to take action - you.”
Laura Eigel, Ph.D., The Catch Group, Executive Coach
"Get ready to do the work! You Deserve to Love Your Job will challenge you to be brave and bold, and to think critically about the changes you need to live your best life. Sprinkled throughout are personal stories, reflective questions, research, wisdom, and the tools to help you put words into action immediately."
Lori M. Dawson, Organizational Development Leader
Because You Deserve to Love Your Job.
What's Being Said About It:

You may not have learned this growing up, but you deserve to love your job. You will spend more time at work than in any other activity in your life - and you deserve to love it. People who love their work are twice as likely to enjoy their life. Ready to get started? You Deserve to Love Your Job provides a blueprint on how to find your purpose and fully enjoy your life. Filled with examples, quizzes, and experiences from real people, this book lays out a roadmap to help you clarify your purpose and create an action plan to achieve it. Let’s go!


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…I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”